Lead & Asbestos Testing

At Kace Restoration, we’re committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of your space. Our team of experts specializes in precise lead and asbestos testing, uncovering hidden hazards and providing peace of mind. Utilizing advanced technology and proven methodologies, we deliver accurate and reliable results, guiding you through the necessary steps to create a safe and healthy environment. Trust us to safeguard your sp

Our Lead & Asbestos Testing Process

Site Evaluation: First, we’ll check out your property to pinpoint potential lead and asbestos hotspots, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.

Sample Collection: Our team will then gather samples from various areas of your property, using top-notch equipment to make sure we get exactly what we need for accurate testing.

Lab Analysis: We send the samples off to a certified lab, where they’ll go through thorough testing to detect any lead or asbestos.

Clear Reporting: Once we’ve got the results, we’ll put together a straightforward report for you, breaking down the findings and what they mean for your property.

Guided Next Steps: If we find anything, we won’t just leave you hanging. We’ll guide you through the next steps, helping you figure out the best plan for remediation.

Follow-Up Checks: After any necessary fixes are made, we’re happy to come back and do another round of testing, just to make sure everything’s all clear and you’re good to go.

ace and protect your health with our comprehensive lead and asbestos testing services. Your safety is our top priority, and we’re here to help every step of the way.

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